Research papers, reports, and studies on the repair and retrofit of confined masonry
Earthquake-Resistant Confined Masonry Construction | Brzev, S.N. | National Information Center of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Link to Document |
Retrofitting of Confined Masonry Walls with Welded Wire Mesh | S.M. Alcocer, J. Ruiz, J.A. Pineda, J.A. Zepeda | 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 1471, 1996Courtesy of ICEE & NICEE: Link to Paper |
Performance-Based Earthquake-Resistant Design of Confined Masonry Walls | Mario Rodriguez, Victor Rodriguez | 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 195, 2000Courtesy of ICEE & NICEE: Link to Paper |
Masonry Structures Confined with Concrete Beams and Columns | Da-hai Liu, Mao-zheng Wang | 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 2720, 2000Courtesy of ICEE & NICEE: Link to Paper |
Improvement of Seismic Performance of Confined Masonry Structures | Rodelio Mercado Andaya | Link to Paper |
Improving the Earthquake Resistance and Sustainability of Confined Masonry (Mixto) Dwellings in El Salvador | M. Aschheim, S. Flanagan, J. Harlander, C. Pitt, A. Alfaro, C. Rivas, and M. E. Rodriguez | Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 1462, 2006 Link to Paper |
The New Mexico City Building Code Requirements for Design and Construction of Masonry Structures | Sergio M. Alcocer, J. Cesin, L.E. Flores, O. Hernandez, A. Tena, D. Vasconcelos, R. Meli | Ninth North American Masonry Conference, 2003 Link to Paper |
Masonry Construction Guide | Lima – Peru | Structural laboratory full scale testing division (CISMID), 2004 Link to Guide |
Displacement capacity and required story drift in confined masonry building | Maria Moroni, Maximiliano Astroza, Paula Mesias | Department of Civil Engg., University of chile casilla228/3, Santiago,ChileLink to Paper |
Design proposal of confined masonry building | Angle San Bartolome and Daniel Quiun | Pro. Of civil engg, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2006Courtesy of Link to Paper |
Appendix A: International codes-notes on seismic provisions related to confined masonry construction
Appendix B: An example Illustrating wall Density Calculation |
Moroni, Gomez and Astroza 2003 | NCh2123,Of97 Albanileria confinada-requisitos para el diseno y calculo, 2004 Link to Paper |
Seismic Design Guide for Low Confined Masonry Building | Roberto Meli, Mexico (co-chair), Svetiana Brzev, Canada (co-chair) | Seismic design guide for low confind masonry building, 2011 Link to Paper |
Clay Brick Properties and Their effects on Flexural Bond strength in masonry | Jennifer E.Tanner and Saadet Toker | The masonry society Council for masonry Research, Jan.2009Courtesy of the |
Manual for Earthquake Resistant Housing Development (Spanish) | J. Kuroiwa, D. Davila, A. Ramos, and C.Toledo | Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo |