Repair and Retrofit

Research papers, reports, and studies on the repair and retrofit of confined masonry

Earthquake-Resistant Confined Masonry Construction Brzev, S.N. National Information Center of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
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Retrofitting of Confined Masonry Walls with Welded Wire Mesh S.M. Alcocer, J. Ruiz, J.A. Pineda, J.A. Zepeda 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 1471, 1996Courtesy of ICEE & NICEE:
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Performance-Based Earthquake-Resistant Design of Confined Masonry Walls Mario Rodriguez, Victor Rodriguez 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 195, 2000Courtesy of ICEE & NICEE:
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Masonry Structures Confined with Concrete Beams and Columns Da-hai Liu, Mao-zheng Wang 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 2720, 2000Courtesy of ICEE & NICEE:
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Improvement of Seismic Performance of Confined Masonry Structures Rodelio Mercado Andaya Link to Paper
Improving the Earthquake Resistance and Sustainability of Confined Masonry (Mixto) Dwellings in El Salvador M. Aschheim, S. Flanagan, J. Harlander, C. Pitt, A. Alfaro, C. Rivas, and M. E. Rodriguez Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No. 1462, 2006
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The New Mexico City Building Code Requirements for Design and Construction of Masonry Structures Sergio M. Alcocer, J. Cesin, L.E. Flores, O. Hernandez, A. Tena, D. Vasconcelos, R. Meli Ninth North American Masonry Conference, 2003
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Masonry Construction Guide Lima – Peru Structural laboratory full scale testing division (CISMID), 2004
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Displacement capacity and required story drift in confined masonry building Maria Moroni, Maximiliano Astroza, Paula Mesias Department of Civil Engg., University of chile casilla228/3, Santiago,ChileLink to Paper
Design proposal of confined masonry building Angle San Bartolome and Daniel Quiun Pro. Of civil engg, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2006Courtesy of
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Appendix A: International codes-notes on seismic provisions related to confined masonry construction

Appendix B: An example Illustrating wall Density Calculation

Moroni, Gomez and Astroza 2003 NCh2123,Of97 Albanileria confinada-requisitos para el diseno y calculo, 2004
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Seismic Design Guide for Low Confined Masonry Building Roberto Meli, Mexico (co-chair), Svetiana Brzev, Canada (co-chair) Seismic design guide for low confind masonry building, 2011
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Clay Brick Properties and Their effects on Flexural Bond strength in masonry Jennifer E.Tanner and Saadet Toker The masonry society Council for masonry Research, Jan.2009Courtesy of the
Manual for Earthquake Resistant Housing Development (Spanish) J. Kuroiwa, D. Davila, A. Ramos, and C.Toledo Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo